Saturday, September 1, 2012

S.I.C. Kiwami Tamashii Kuuga Mighty Form

Well here it is! A little later than I initially anticipated but I had to find an acceptable way to get some decent photos. I ended up just buying two pieces of white foam board to take photos on and they seem to be working out just fine for the time being. So without further ado, here is my review of SIC Kiwami Tamashii Kuuga!

The Box

The box my figure came in was a little mangled due to the way the seller packed it with my other items but it doesn't really detract from the overall look of the box. The box itself is very nice. The lettering is in a shiny silver and really catches the eye. Behind the clamshell is a nifty Kuuga emblem and a bunch of Grongi symbols bordering it. 

The back of the box shows the figure in some of the poses it can pull off including Kuuga's finisher (which we will take a look at a little bit later). Other than that there isn't much else to speak of. Definitely a box to keep, not only to store Kuuga's extra hands but for display value as well. 


For those of you who may not know what a S.I.C. figure is, S.I.C. (Super Imaginative Chogokin) is a line of figures that have a more organic (and dare I say, grungier) look to them and are by no means an accurate reflection of what you see in the show. For some collectors this is a deal breaker as they prefer screen accurate figures such as those found in the S.H. Figuarts line. For others, such as myself, it gives a unique and dynamic style to the Riders we love and hold dear. Now not all S.I.C. designs are created equal and for some collectors Kuuga seems to be one that ranks near the bottom. I don't own the full size version of S.I.C. Kuuga so I can't make any  real comparisons between the two, but from what I can tell KT Kuuga is basically a miniature version of the full size figure.


Kuuga has all of the overall design cues from what we see in the show but they've all been re-imagined to fit the S.I.C. aesthetic. The chest piece has a ton of lining and details as do the shoulder pads, making them pop more than they do on the show (and subsequently the S.H. Figuart figure). The shoulder pads have a bit of a cracked look to them giving the impression that he's been through a rough battle or two. These lines make the armor feel less like something someone is wearing and more like it is a part of their body which I totally dig. 

Kuuga's belt has a ton of detail molded in which is amazing considering this figure is only about 4-4.5" tall! The head sculpt even has compound eyes! Kudos to Bandai on that one!


Kuuga sports double jointed elbows allowing for a good range of motion. There is a little bit of waist articulation but you won't be making Kuuga do the twist any time soon. His shoulders are limited by how the shoulder pads are molded to the arms so don't expect to make Kuuga do a swan dive pose (sad, I know). The hips allow standard back and forth motions and a teeny bit of side to side movement.  Kuuga's knees are double jointed allowing for some really killer leg posing! Kuuga's feet can turn side to side a bit but are limited by the leg cuffs. The ankles allow a decent amount of pose-ability but not more than what is humanly possible. Overall the articulation is great for a figure this small!


Kiwami Tamashii figures don't typically come with a whole lot of accessories. Kuuga comes with two open hands, two fists, a hand used for Kuuga's henshin pose and a hand molded into a "thumbs up" position (Godai's signature pose). Usually for Kiwami Tamashii figures that's all we would get aside from a weapon. Well since Kuuga's Mighty Form doesn't use a weapon, Bandai decided to throw in an awesome stand and effect kit. You get a fiery kick piece, a stand (with Kuuga's name and symbol painted on it) and Kuuga's finisher symbol. This is a great add-in and it really makes Kuuga stand out from the rest of the Kiwami Tamashii figures.


It may sound like Kuuga is the most perfect figure EVAR but he does have some negative aspects. As mentioned in the articulation portion of this review, Kuuga's shoulders and feet and limited by the design of the figure. Also, some of the styling is a bit wonky in my opinion. The legs in particular give of a bell bottom-ish look to them which I'm not a fan of. Kuuga is also a little shorter than most other Kiwami Tamashii figures, but not by much and not enough to be considered a drawback in my book.


Kiwami Tamashii Kuuga is a great figure. Kuuga was a much needed revival of the Kamen Rider franchise and to have an awesome figure such as this represent one of my favorite Kamen Riders means a lot to me. Minor nitpicks aside, this is a highly recommended figure to add to your collection if you are into the S.I.C. style!

4.5 Rider Kicks out of 5

Where to Buy

I got my KT Kuuga from seller talltallcat on eBay for $12.99 before shipping. He still has a few left and I got my figure in about 4 business days after it shipped. Here is a link to the item: S.I.C. KT Kuuga

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